Happy Black Friday Eve! As a natural hair product junkie, I am so excited for all of the Black Friday deals. Every time I get an email my Black Friday wish list gets longer and longer! Here are some of my favorite brands and their deals!
Curls 50% off the entire store if you spend $50 or more, you get a free full-sized Liquid Hair Growth Vitamin. (code: BLACKCURLS)
TGIN All products 9.99 (code Black 16)
Jane Carter Solutions take 40% off (code 2016BF)
Mixed Chick takes 30% off (code Friday 16)
Ours by Black Joy take 75% off first month subscription
Silk Elements Buy one get one free at Sally Beauty Supply valid until November 25
Let me know in the comments if you know of any more deals! I’ll be updating this post all weekend 🙂